Sunday, November 28, 2010
Energy Drink Coloring Pages
:-) Yes, of course-especially the title, written by me, is challenging by design. Several of my friends should be trembling. Ok ok, Gabriel, we forgive you now you're messing with Freud, but please, not this. No please !!!!! Just a minute, go to "Socialism" of Mises, take a cold shower, go to do Aikido for a week, tomato 3 Rivotril 2 mg but ... ... This is not !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quiet, quiet, I'm playing with the title :-)), nothing happens. Simply, some have sometimes been asked, how strange, some authors "impenetrable" in Gabriel. One is Marx. With Marx, Gabriel combined magic with Heidegger: nothing here, nothing there. He has always fought, and lately also talks about the two M: Mises and Marx, deciding, of course, for the first time.
However, I always say that Marx is a philosopher in the history of Western philosophy, deep, fertile theoretical structure and therefore its ad hoc hypotheses have stood the test of history. Marx continues to penetrate not only the beliefs popular, but the ideas of many intellectuals very deep. Is that it is theory, and much, it's no nonsense. Surprisingly
that I have to remember, many of my writings I have already absorbed the Marx of the Frankfurt School. The theme of alienation I've absorbed without difficulty, especially by Habermas. The critique of instrumental rationality, criticism of the rationalization of lifeworlds, the conditions of dialogue as an exit, and then the existentialist themes of alienation: alienation as inauthentic existence (Heidegger), as blindness to the suffering face the other (Levinas) and neurosis noógena (Frankl) and most recently as regressive identification with father's authoritarian leader (Freud), psychoanalysis and deconstruction of the cogito sound hurt to meet a cogito now more aware of itself (Ricoeur). All this, except the last night out psychoanalytic, I wrote and from 1995 onwards, in "Intersubjectivity and Communication", and, above all, in "Feyerabend and the dialectic of Enlightenment."
So it is not true that I have not worked the theme of alienation that Marx is undoubtedly a privileged position. The "minor detail" :-)) is that, in Marx, his theory of alienation is necessarily linked to his theory of surplus value which is an important theoretical explanation of why the subject has alienated both exploiter and exploited by capitalist structures. And that combo between alienation and Marxist theory of exploitation is what many, especially my fellow philosophers, buy a unit, uncritically, without discerning. Is that they lack the other M, and understandably so. My colleagues are studying Marx in the history of philosophy, and rightly. And then many of them, who despise the economy, have had contact only with the economy of Marx, the last of the classical economists. And it is the only economy they know.
course. Why go to study the other M? Why come to study in Mises, an unknown "economist", and on top of "liberal"?
But gentlemen, Marxist theory is a theory opposed, so important, and so long exposed as the "Capital" of Marx. Is in "Socialism" of Mises, which also refers to the cap. 8 of Volume 1 of "Capital and Interest" by Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk, leaving released in 1884. The economy is not known today, is much more. Philosophy and philosophy is so is the economy of Marx. And all that cap. 8 -80 pages of 480 of Book I, to which must be added 466 of Book II and III-231 of the book is intended for theoretical refutation of the theory of operation of Marx, refutation which remains unknown to my colleagues in general. It turns out that Marx's theory was based on the cost value of Ricardo (who inherited part of the labor theory of value of the classics) and therefore for the goods he has a target value that has to do with the work contained in it, so which all other additional value in the commodity, which is on the employer, is a steal, a surplus value lies the exploitation. Marx failed to see the paradigm shift occurring in 1870 with the subjective theory value and decreasing marginal productivity, which implies that the value of all goods in the market depends on the value of the claim and that, applied to work, means that the value of work depends on the subjective demand attributed to the factor of production and that, therefore, with increasing demand for labor, real wages tend to increase precisely because of the dynamics of the capitalist system. Questions? Study, colleagues! Are they able to study Marx but not Bohm Bawerk and Mises? Do not believe them ...
But the problem is that with this error Marx could not conceive of scarcity and hence the economy led to an anti-economy, in a zero sum game where what one gains the lost the other. Which is perfectly compatible with his dialectical world, which was met exactly by another philosopher: Mises. For Marx, the history of mankind is the history of class struggle, for Mises, is the story of the evolution of division of labor .... Any questions, colleagues? Mises Lean! Colleagues, you know how to read. Lean.
This "little thing" in Marx is implying that many do not quite understand what are the free markets. The more moderate, but rejected the authoritarianism of a banana Chavez, Correa or Kirchner, however still have the hope to "get it" otherwise ... ... ... And at the bottom end justify the most egregious and ridiculous because Castro-style dictatorship "in the dialectic of history," the result will be positive ... ... ... ... ... ...
While these issues are not more studied, the interpretation of social phenomena continue to be a Marxist, not only by the phenomena of mass, but because intellectuals, Marx is a theory that can even penetrate deep Christian faith of those who believe in his theory of exploitation, as has already happened. It is a powerful theory. The Frankfurt School has taken the best of it but not distinguish it from its social dialectic. It's time the two m's, Marx and Mises, discuss in their attempt to lay redemption of mankind, and find both their limits in a transcendent conception of human life. First
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Soapy Sour Taste In Mouth
Around the same time, although unknown, Koyré was saying that any physical theory is understood in the light of a philosophical theory that would back. Koyré
had studied with Husserl in 1913, who in 1935 would make a formidable critique of positivism in "The Crisis of European Sciences." Koyré
traveled to the U.S. in 50 and raised the dogmatic slumber to a young man named Thomas Kuhn.
Kuhn later said in 1962 that any physical theory depended on the theoretical load present on the paradigm that sustained it. Observed was interpreted as the paradigm. So the fall of a body is one thing in Ptolemy and Galileo otherwise. So to see bodies falling, look galielos or Ptolemies, and interpret what is happening. Then came
Lakatos and said yes, that scientists cling to a central core, but later, as a consequence not attempted, the defense says they have tried or weakens the core. And that was wise, therefore, run the risk of sustaining a core regressive as long as there is awareness of risk.
Feyerabend comes in. So, in short, states that everything then depends on the creativity of the scientific and literary ability to convince others of their theory.
But he said much more. Among them, that if metaphysics differs from science and empirical testing, but we have seen, there is no independent testing of theories, then there is no empirical testing as it seeks to traditional science, and so there is no difference between metaphysics and science.
Then everything is metaphysical, that is all theory.
What distinguishes a good theory of a bad theory? To This theory should be subjected to rational criticism, which is not foolproof, but it is not simply the Socratic dialogue with our own theories. Popper was right: the criticism is necessary, but not facts versus theories, but theories versus theories.
Plato, Aristotle, Empedocles, Pythagoras, Ptolemy, St. Augustine, St. Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Newton, Darwin, Freud, Einstein, Wittgenstein. Husserl, Edith Stein, J. Ratzinger. These are only examples, not exclusive of others, just to say, they are all theoretical. No difference between philosophy and science. There is no empirical testing. There are theories. Worldviews. Paradigms. Horizons. Lifeworlds. Let's face
. Everything is theory. They are all philosophers, we are all philosophers, all, therefore, we argue and try to sustain the theory to rational criticism of another theory. And what is the problem? That movement of reason out the truth and the best of the human. We have abandoned the truth in an impossible, an "experiment" that seeks to eliminate "human." And this is also a theory, and very bad, because it created a monster: a materiality that can not speak, a speaker mute, a psychosis, we believe that it exists and speaking. An experiment, without the human theory, can talk and tell us the truth, is as impossible that, in this, believe in the green duenceditos is more rational because they do not involve self-contradiction and at least we have placed in them the truth.
live in an age where belief in a supposed experimental science, in his alleged antics and measurement, has become a psychosis, which has invaded the deepest human areas and eats like a virus. Reason and truth are silent and wait. Plato's dialogues have been relegated to the world of the beauty and humanity waiting gods exist.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Make Your Own Epesode Of Souh Park
"'s Happening" has thrilled and grateful the bombing of the season! The inevitable and expected
union between the two best teams in the English State: The Ginka! and The Lava Lamps! finally together and scrambled to remake the classic Jackie DeShannon who popularized the essential Tracey Ullman. A preview of what will be the new album by the kings of pop-Abilly that will come out on the label, and here all on foot, SPICNIC .
The Breakaway Ginka The Lava Lamps's Happening by
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Clif Bar Vs Snickers Bar
Recently, the issue of "gold standard" has returned to be on the table, with the recognition certain international monetary authorities would have to go back "somehow" to him. I then claimed the proposal of Mises and some told me it was impracticable. Perhaps the confusion is that Mises's proposal has nothing to do with Bretton Woods. First of all, you have to read it. Here it is:
In short, Mises suggested that gold again be freely used as currency, not governments be based on it to ensure their paper. That is, had to establish a free market in gold which the Americans could return to exchange dollars for gold and then fully privatize the banking system so that they revert back to being home gold deposit by issuing depository receipts corresponding to a 100% reserve (which some see as a transition policy.) Obviously, as this is done now, free markets would be responsible for providing all kinds of money substitutes: debit cards with international transfer, etc.
Moreover, this is not a matter of "decide." The market has already decided for the gold. Spontaneous orders do not expect to deliberate orders. At the end of the de la Rua, Argentina and demanding consumers more dollars to pesos. The devaluation of the peso had been decided by the market. Similarly, the dollar is already depreciating against gold, while Bernanke and Obama remain in charge of leading the U.S. to a monetary disaster never seen before. The problem is that usual for now is to buy gold as a future option to sell it later for another currency, when in reality, the privatization of the banking system and especially the elimination of the central bank would use gold as money and its substitutes in common national and international exchange, and prevent any other government embarks on follies such as the Fed is doing now.
What is not gold, but central banks and permanent legalized fraud. Obviously
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Beef Brisket Versus London Broil

I have fear. I think rich women not being a success. The days have changed and a few hours before the last episode they changed time. And does not compete with Jersey Shore or comedy Felipe and Letizia but clashes on Thursday night with Big Brother 12 , certainly a suicidal move for a bet so strong. Wait a minute!, I just read in the Twitter Mariana Nannis it go to Sunday , "comorr? Seriously, what's going on? Phew, I do not mind if I pass to the Internet, as they did with the huge "I Love Escasi" if it were not LaSexta website is a milestone, it never works and it is impossible to watch a video in conditions. Is this the end? Why not leave Veronica last week? Do not return to see his slave Victor ? Disappear from our lives these women and their companions? I hope not because I firmly believe is the best reality that has been done in this country in the last six months. Removing safe bets and his Mariana , Phillipe or Mar Segura every week we meet new satellites and characters that enhance the program and make it even more imperative. Engage situations, the embarrassment mixed with comedy and clashes with the loneliness of those who have everything but love. The extreme contrast of personalities Mariana vs Sea, the way of life and love of Olivia and his men, so little to squeeze some rich doing nothing, like being a miserable home, despite having a 4000 meter ... Each week we see how money makes you happy and enjoy some and tortures and depresses other lonely women. Too many good things for this program to disappear and be mistreated by LaSexta. This programón made us enjoy and I refuse to think that all this disappear from our lives forever.
way of revival and reinvindiación I leave you with one of my highlights of the latest episodes, characters and situations that will cost me a long goodbye:
-The mysterious Veronica's husband is never at home, to overly pamper you do not mind and physically is an excellent base Woody Allen, the Sr.Burns and Punset.
-Victor The servant and a man for all of Veronica is the clearest revelation of this season. Is 10 all. I think actually is the father of Veronica. I love the silence that you get when being interviewed individually and their attitude halfway between "if Buana" and "I will slay, eat your gut and your daughters."
-The disastrous and all but raucous birthday celebrations of Veronica . He even worth it. Little people, little spirit, a rock group that made Beyond Modesty Black Sabbath seemed to crown and cold and rain. A disaster.
-Pedro Rilo , the sassy teacher Natasha. Is your teacher music and music theory. They have the bad language which has a salary of 3000 € per month evil musical training at the Russian millionaire. Is it true? It seems to me perfect, in fact I suspect or believe that their relationship goes beyond the music. Priceless when he sings his hit Natasha's birthday. Fornicate fixed. "Besides
Pedro Rilo chupópteros Natasha lives surrounded by adorning his life to blow stub. Gabriel , the catering manager, Christian the party planner ... and has a very rare friend Alena called when you put music out of fear. Segura-Mar
generally remains shamefully sublime. His head works differently than humans and as a spectator and fan of the embarrassment I can not be more in favor of this being. Also demonstrated a facility for useless detail giving a flight without engine plane that almost killed Olivia and inviting the bull to Natasha lunatics who had an anxiety attack that caused the viewer anything but grief. For the story that was put on Liac Mar Segura theorizing bulls and bullfighting defending phrase "bulls help preserve the environment"-Gabriel
the husband of Ocean defined as "collective end" gays.
"The security has given Safe Sea approach to this group so far I love it. Seems to have been reborn and has disheveled. Now I fly the imagination and seems to be more poussin, indescribable belly dancing gives him her husband. As or even more shameful that the preparation of dance itself.
inexplicable phrase "The Sea" 'm more of a noun verb "and" I can not pass a bookstore without stopping "he insists, is unheard of Mar Segura foolishness is what makes it a unique character I would say endangered. "I love
Philipe, I aspire to be a Philipe life with my beautiful house, my macaw and my chronic state of drunkenness. I love that as Phillippe tried to kidnap Olivia Shiite terrorists in Paris. "I freaked
the incredible home of Olivia and Philipe Paris. Shown to have exquisite taste, who want a lot (in fact the only one out with her husband and showing a bit of complicity), which squeeze the savor faire and that the money I feel I am also very bien.-fan Twitter of Charlotte which corroborates that is an alien. It is the only person in the world that builds their vocabulary only holders of foreign Gossip magazines. As difficult as it seems!
"The music selection is nothing Chochi evil Pegamoides, Miranda, Chicks on Speed \u200b\u200b ... As in Farmer Wants a Wife rang one of my favorite songs of all time, the "Hong Honk Garden of Siouxsie & the Banshees. also noted the good use made of special effects and music fill, since the program "A tu lado" not seen much special effects expertise to put the nonsense.
can also read the "Top Ten Reasons to snag Rich Women" here
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Soaking Porridge Oats Overnight
Friday they invited me to play records in a night called SACRED MOUNTAIN and I accepted. Is a traveling club that is now celebrated in the nasties. SACRED MOUNTAIN kids do cool things and are stylish, people have turned to spin and bring next week CAVE playing the Wurlitzer Madrid, it will be like when they played Fugazi in Revolver but we were the chosen ones by the evidence that circulate in the streets seems that filled the Riviera. Petty mountaineers are young in spirit and unlike the ZOMBIE KIDS and others seem more concerned with music. In Facebook photos of people seem to have much fun and so you can see the public is a generational explosive cocktail evening where malasañera classic mix with beater and looking young drinker.
so I'm anxious for the night by a varied mix opt out of any sense but always fun to feel like it cooked and / or drugs. You know, classic indiepop dirtier, stubborn and catchy synthpop music when I was a teenager onion damn, you know, Christian Death, PIL, Liliput, Bauhaus ... The countries that will stab you in order: USA, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Mexico and France. In Finally, a crazy night of pop outdated and exquisite, an orgy to break records drawn from tracks and hips. Rats
night and friends, I hope.
More info: FACEBOOK EVENT Nasti
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Pay For Yourself Invitaiton Wording
So it was obvious that this time, for the first time, my blog was to have the honor of being visited by illustrious colleagues.
No additional comments. The question is: this person, who must have been an adorable little boy in kindergarten, where he formed his world view, his vision of life? Here, undoubtedly. In Argentina. You can be the next interior minister or the next secretary of commerce. And there came out of a cabbage. He left Argentina. Although it hurts, but it is. Another
more elaborate case was this: "Philosophy forgiveness said: Very good note, Mr. Bernardo Neustadt. I see that from the grave is sending its tapered columns, so that repeat some, with a full stomach and the hypocrisy of "I prayed for his soul" trying to hide the obvious glee over the death of an ideological enemy.
When the people farewell to a leader, which is not always the case, and least that way, you have to do a bit of silence and reflection.
I know that hundreds of thousands of people made 12 hours in line to spend 30 seconds to 5 meters in a locked drawer are militants K, or poor devils with chori paid or pre-Hitler youth fanatical and irrational, but anyway, it is worth reflecting a bit before saying such speeches. Especially when they are an exact copy of what we are repeating the pro-men of the Nation. I say that a media law especially designed to suppress all thought differently, and call that "thinking" is at least a dirty trick. I hope it's just the result of the habit of criticizing something without reading it, not knowing who and how many years ago worked on the project, without knowing anything.
Greetings "
Ok, will be given. Clearly oppose the ideas of those whom they worship popular demonstrations is a mortal sin for the dogma of the infallibility of the masses alienated by dictators. Now classical liberal who is a fool who repeats "The Nation." And challenging the media law, as I did, stating that there should be NO media law, is "not knowing anything." Great.
This case is more interesting still: "Anonymous said, believe that the note is written" with total respect "is a lack of opinion, gentlemen. To say that people who "thought" how, not present, say it was a "quasi-dictator" is not telling the truth and write "philosophy for me," this letter is short of respetoa philosophy, among other atrocities.
course, there are people who are closer to Chomsky and other like you, closer personal gain, and imperialism at all costs. The question I ask is: Who do you represent? "
cultural Marxism in its heyday. If you do not think like Chomsky, you just want your personal benefit, you are an imperialist, etc., And the typical question of "who" paid "?
But the case that caught my attention, do not reproduce it because it was on facebook and I can not without permission of the author, that discount will not me, someone, repeating that it is disrespectful to what I did says something unique: I have no "evidence" to say that persecuted those who do not think like him, who manipulated to justice, etc.. That is, as if that makes proof against someone who acts precisely in the shadows. And as if that were an argument for silence. But precisely for this reason many are silent. Reminds me of a quasi-gangster who became vice chancellor of a renowned institution where I worked, which is passed through the halls saying "who have problems with me to tell me in the face."
Some may say, Gabriel, where is your understanding and respect for others, what we always preach? Well, although not believe me, I have understanding and respect for all: Hebe de Bonafini, Guillermo Moreno, etc. I can explain why they think as they think, and that is understanding. The problem is not just whether it's the opposite, but I think its Marxist dialectic we want to throw into the river-like aircraft of the last dictatorship at any time. There are times when dialogue fails to make room for linguistic defense against those who would destroy everything in its path. What else is there? "To remain passive before the advance of those who truly destroy all traces of the republic and establish a Marxist dictatorship institutional cheating methods? They were going to do in the 70's, and they want to return, only changed the method.
friends kirchneristas regret that I now withdraw the greeting. I'm just being faithful my ideas, I consider it a duty to express and my cooperation to the country from my position played by a great philosopher. Perhaps angered many see a philosopher defending classical liberalism and denouncing quasi-dictators like Correa, Evo Morales, Chavez and Kirchner diffusing. Because it seems that if you defend the Marxist philosopher, you're a philosopher, but if you're a philosopher and defend the political and economic liberalism, are a brainless "or you pay the Nation." Anyway. Difficult country. But it happens all over the world. Us we have to play the role of crazy and Martians. We are the potential or actual victims of Nazism intellectual around us. We excluded, marginalized, despised and displaced. Many would be happy if we put in a gas chamber. But we are. Re-sist. There we are. Our very existence fills them with fury. They never cease to assassinate the case, and we will not stop talking and to refute. It's that simple. Can continue operating in its fury. We will continue to exist in our consciousness nonnegotiable.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Canine Urinalysis, High Hematocrit
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
American Women Over Size 12
hitvideo of all Valencia New RAJOY DIVISION , you can hear their hits on Myspace and download them in your Bandcamp .