Hello my dear friends, what may have been in recent weeks?. I am well on Generally me and I fall up the minds but with a trapping cordelito encourage increases in the meantime hectic routine. Here
writing lots of late afternoon, taking advantage of some free little while, cleans mine, mine ji ji.
writing lots of late afternoon, taking advantage of some free little while, cleans mine, mine ji ji.
advantage that I feel alright, alright, with joy, with the burning desire more than ever, thanks to lights that highlight the best of me I like the call from a friend. That counts, is a shot of life, encouraged me to continue being reborn even without moving from my house. GRACIASSS!
These big, important emotions, details make the wrong time does not have much attention, that an ordinary day and current is very special and more enjoyable, hopeful.
Over a chance, however small it fall into the routine, we become a bore and I eat everything and I always ask myself would like to know everything jijiji, find an answer to why we humans TANTOOOO BORED!
pandemic appears to invade us: Boredom.
Nobody wants to be bored and life's not all fun. Learning to live with the boredom is essential: no one dies of boredom but to fight it many people suffer and die more than one sooner or later. That
prejudices are very harmful not any secrets. However, there are some that are very harmful and that they go unnoticed for many people. One of these prejudices is that "boredom is bad."
prejudices are very harmful not any secrets. However, there are some that are very harmful and that they go unnoticed for many people. One of these prejudices is that "boredom is bad."
there an obsession to avoid boredom or fight it in ourselves and in others:
Parents who buy too many toys their children or aimed at all types of extracurricular activities.
Young and not so young to drown your liver in alcohol, believing that drunk is fun.
... Boredom has become, says Diego Arranz , in a "bad" that concerns only the "first world" those people who do not need to fight to live as they already have secured. Thus, certain common situations where it appears boredom give wrong solutions:
"Mom, I'm bored!". Sit here and watch this DVD you've only seen a dozen times, answers his mother.
"What a boring party, let's go!". Bebe and watch something you fancy. But I have some pills that will ginger up in two minutes!, Says one of his "friends." In other hand, boredom is overstated and underestimated other aspects:
"My work is good, but boring. I am looking for another ". Then other work will become bored and then what will? Do you leave again? Will you be afraid to leave?.
"What a boring lecture." Did you think it was a monologue of humor?. Learning is not always fun and not that we fail to learn it?.
... Conclusion.
Not bad for a child is bored, and do not let him think I set aside the mind with movies or TV!. And not everything in life is fun, learn to deal with boredom or take an interest in things you do not know: There is much to learn that there is no time to get bored.
Boredom is the reason why I writing this sentence.
A friend, a friend, a night of passion ... who knows what to expect.
Boredom can be cured if you have friends help you.
only the boring are bored.
be or is like being bored or being in Bosnia. Boredom entertains
fools. The fun overwhelms the wise.
Boredom is the pleasure of knowing you have nothing to do.
A friend, a friend, a night of passion ... who knows what to expect.
Boredom can be cured if you have friends help you.
only the boring are bored.
be or is like being bored or being in Bosnia. Boredom entertains
fools. The fun overwhelms the wise.
Boredom is the pleasure of knowing you have nothing to do.
ESPERO JIJI do not get bored.
muchooo THE LOVE!
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