Many times I question this sad moment, reasons are many but some more important than others, but one that always haunted me, did not bother me just experiment, feel very lonely, can not explain this feeling and this one is not successful for me, the reasoning, the more likely that this wrong ... more laps but it gives me a great pity that I have felt like alone in a desert, expressing, sharing my feelings, writing seems to produce nothing.
It is how I feel and what more logical that more than some may have felt like this.
At first, after some time you skip this sensation but the reality is different. In general as saying that A BLOG IS POWERED BY YOUR COMMENTS, well I take it seriously and not for mediocre, they are several, you have to put hand on heart and realize what was the goal of having a blog .
I did it with an aim to deliver and receive only love, support, a joy, to find honest company. Just feelings. This is only giving.
It was unfortunate that we have realized in the past where a picture is worth a thousand words, I could not fully comply with this rule and perhaps other expectations blogger ... I stay very small at this, I would have liked much more to show my works and other ideas which are always here in my mind but ... A picture paints a thousand words.
But not only is worth what I want to give this day I carry in my soul muyy all those souls who gave me joy in droves, I taught invaluable everything beautiful in this life for all this time, those unmistakable that never failed to be here, and in my soul.
This is my gift.
Some friendships are eternal .
Sometimes in life you find a special friendship: that someone to come into your life changes completely.
That someone who constantly makes you laugh, that someone who makes you believe that the world really are good things.
convencede That someone who is a door that you listapara the abras.Esa is an eternal friendship ...
When you tristey the world seems dark and empty, that raises your ánimoy eternal friendship makes this world seem dark and suddenly vacíode bright and full.
Your eternal friendship help you the tough times, sad, and very confusión.Si you go, your eternal friendship follows you.
If you lose your way, your guide will eternal friendship and everlasting friendship alegra.Tu you takes you by the hand and says that everything will be okay.
If you find such a friend you feel happy and have nothing gozoporque what preocuparte.Tienes a friend for life as an eternal friendship never ends.
muuuchoo I want them!
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