Very buenisimos winter days, feeling the wind that crosses the corner of an opening in my home jiji, but with the feeling of pure peace, the peace of almost complete silence, that touch of melancholy that gives me this season plump with memories, nostalgia plump.
I Anyway as always with my half poetic essence to say something or something cheesy for others, no matter jiji.Siempre diosfrutando the day to day, enjoying the most minute details, the kind that makes you laugh, dream or remember or think.
One of many things that fascinates me is when I have time to watch movies, try to see something quiet hehe, well I saw a movie that I loved and was named an unforgettable friendship, which was in general about the friendship between a girl and a slut, with a very special, good but can not give very good livianita found it to soften the soul as I say I jiji, to what I get is what sigiente, which made me think that many are nonsense say on behalf of the friendship
"Relatives are not elected, friends yes" Sometimes not elected to anything ... the friends are imposed by the circumstances ... and even convenience "those are not friends, are relationships," say out there. But the "relationship", we spend much of our time and even become "friends" right?. Perhaps not true.
"The friend did not look perfect, look for friends" Of course, friends must be accepted as they are ... And why? If I choose, I prefer to choose someone with whom my affinity does not require efforts ... to strive and we have blood ties demanded effort ... Right?
Someone once criticized me a "too highly of the friendship." Absolutely.
is that I honestly did not interest me to have a million friends ... the crowd appreciated my sense of loneliness. Anyway, I risk a breakdown of variable "friendship" by considering the following categories, with corresponding operational definition:
circumstantial connection, a neighbor, a distant relative, a friend of another friend, a friend of a relative, a relative of a friend of a relative, etc.
circumstantial connection with shared objectives in the short, medium or long term. Fellow student, co-worker.
buddy, entertainment companion. Affinity is superficial. I would never trust a secret.
deep rapport, but engagement. I can tell you "secrets", while those not involved.
close friend:
affinity relationship represents a tacit commitment to each other. I can absolutely rely on him and is reciprocal and conviction.
upset when someone calls me "friend" to any relationship that drew around. I usually just call my friends ... friends Why? Because I am very ambitious in some ways and good, always prefer the best.
And the best is a close friend , that it is up to date with your problems and you with her or him. Neither feels sue over ... unevenly or being sued. Both need and enjoy each other's company. That trust is what I call, privacy.
What do you think of all this? Are there different types of friendship? Do you believe in friendship? What to expect from a friend? Have you ever felt betrayed faith of friendship?
A friend never tells you what You want to hear, tells you the truth and what is best for you.
The love you.
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