not know about you but I had a wild desire to know more about Peter Farmer. Its metalanguage, grammar brain, their reactions and positivism have made extravagant Zamorano Farmer become my favorite for this edition. He is the revelation, for great and authentic. For he is the David Escur Award this year, that prize awarded each season to more fiercely protagoniosta genuine and friendly and the best me what happened. All Farmers have been contingent but only Peter was necessary. Come, read and learn a little more to our hero Vezdemarbán ...
GBE Have you ever seen before entering the program?
Yes, of course, I did not miss any chapter in the first season came a countryman of mine in Zamora, which was the reason why I saw this program so fucking great.
Farmer Did you have a favorite from past editions?
I can not say which was my favorite, I liked all of their differences and thinking.
What encouraged you to sign up? Is the possibility of finding love?
He encouraged me to sign up the curiosity and desire to make new friends, which I achieved, I felt pretty well the possibility of finding love, but realistically I also thought it was very, very difficult.
What has been your balance upon completion?
As the conclusion has been that I have some friends Cojonudos farmers, we had a great time together, laughing and we do not fit in the belly, and that girls are much more complicated from what I saw.
you still in contact with other farmers in this edition?
What contact? But if we call very often! four of them have come to the festival of my people and then we both went to parties at Albacete, and invited us Priscillian, we've had great, I tried the mojitos, I did not know of their existence and took two stripptis in one week, one in my town and another in a tent at the fair of Albacete.
How are VEZDEMARBÁN parties?
Here the holidays are over, the young people do rocks, the rocks are old houses or garages where we entered a bar and people drinking at the senseless, people come from many surrounding towns because the mixed drinks are free and the night becomes entangled with a short and with others, they know I like girls and talking nonsense to make people laugh.
Is it true you were the other farmers?
If you have been, Ramón Tuesday, Antonio on Wednesday, Mary and Amara on Thursday morning, Julian on Thursday night, Friday Priscillian and Raquel on Friday afternoon. People knew them all and came to the conclusion that they are better people than they appeared on television, all authentic.
If you had to define your teammates with a phrase or word:
Ramón - a good friend, knows a lot about life. Julian
- calm and poise, it takes everything lightly. Sergio
- too young and too much partying.
Antonio - all good and a wonderful person, it takes a lot of love.
Priscillian - more fun than than meets the eye.
Come, tell us what music you listen to apart from the jacks.
pasodobles hear songs and I also like the Seville and all sorts of different places folklore, flamenco is one of my favorites, especially fandangos de Huelva. To relax and listen to Celtic music Venecciano rondo. I need to understand what they sing and of course that music makes me feel some emotion, the sadness and euphoria, etc ...
Your favorite bands?
My favorite bands are not known for being Castilian folklore, but among them are Candeal , Strain and Sarmientos , New Mester of minstrelsy ... The flamenco singer I like is ''John Doe''the Cabrero, but also listen to The Lebrijano , or Toronjo brothers.
A song that you have marked your life.
could not tell you no, because life is too complicated and diverse in their time to define it in a song, but some fandango de ''''Cabrero if it reflects my feelings on the field with the goats and my quiet and peaceful life.
you like music they place on the program.
Yes, I quite like the music you get, but I think that when they take vultures in the sky and put scary music on the farms of Ramon and Antonio is made to bad milk.
Recommend 3 jacks indispensable in your life.
The main and that I have much feeling as it is a typical Jack Toro, where my grandfather, and he has been in the mobile ring tone is EL TIO BABU. Never sing when we are on a spree, only serious moments to finish dinner before people warm. Other serious Algodres bolero'''' , being also my ground and finally anyone who speaks of the city of Zamora, as '' Zamora's well-fenced'' or '''' the Pajero.
What hobbies do you have apart from the field?
could not tell you, as my work and I like and I won so full that I consider one of my greatest entertainments, but I also like going to the movies with friends or family, the bullfights of peoples, and anything that has to do with animals.
Your sense of humor reminds me of a program Television mythical Chanante called The Time Have you ever seen or Time Chanante or Muchachada Nui? Like it?
Yes, I have seen many times, makes me laugh, although I seem to spend a little to people who live in villages, since we are so because they see life as city dwellers.
I want to know what television programs you have marked. Dinos
which I can not choose programs because I have spent a lot of television, I am among those who see documentaries of the two, but also viewed with great interest the trash TV like cocktail sauce or Martian Chronicles. People who hates this kind of tele respectable but I think there are many numbers on the pad so that if you do not see them. I'll drink anything, even I like political debates.
What are your favorites of all time?
favorite I have none, I've seen almost everyone, but not much sensation caused me to come running when the program began, if I see him soon and if not, then be given the sack.
What you give internet use? What are your favorite pages? I have a
Internet and computers for many years, my first computer cost us the balls of a bishop and only had 1 `5 Gb hard drive, then used it to do work for the studio and play with my friend Luis fer, who was also a fan of these machines . Since I have goats, I did not pick up again until I joined the program, I have become curious has to engage in all this, but I'm already out of date on these things, five years is a long and programs move much.
Tell us about your web , does going to upgrade?
I have no time to update, I had a hard time doing it, thinking that when I took up a photo fifteen minutes and then put everything, get pictures and all the fish, take more than a year to make at times and in those times was the reigns of the disks, only the latter carries the cd to store information.
Are you interested in football? Did you see the World Cup?
I do not like football, but the team did not lose it, as not to see the champions! I could not enjoy the victory because we saw in a bar while we were recording the program and after completing the game we had to go home. Penalty looked to my friends climbing into their cars and honking all over town waving flags and scarves, uhhhh, I hope to win again like Animal House.
"Tell us about your favorite movies? "Favorite Actress and Actor?
Avatar, The Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, these super I were very impressed and fascinated me especially seeing them in movies. Although my two favorite movies are: The Green Mile and Shawshank Redemption . Especially with The Green Mile, I can not see it when the cast on TV and you end up crying and spending a paper bag runny nose.
actors and actresses do not know their names because they are foreigners and not good with me languages, although I've seen and I like the national product as Torrente and some more that I can not remember.
What is the last you've come to see?
Avatar I was very struck about three dimensions, I got both the movie that does not want to leave this wonderful planet, I'd like to be there.
Do you follow any TV series?
No, I do not follow any, but I really liked Kyle xy , sorry if you do not write well, I love the series of thinking and squeezed a little coconut.
Favorite food.
I really like lentils and meatballs, well, almost all the food that makes my mother home. Also cook, I crumbs typical of my people and I get to lick chocolate nails, in addition to any soup, pasta, tortilla recipe and do it all.
Do you like McDonalds and Burger King?
Well is not that excited me eat that crap, but when we sometimes have to throw fast food and do not mind at all.
You look not do much sport, like me. Do you?
you think some sports to be three or four hours a day walking behind or in front of the goat, no, then do not do any sports, I do not like to see them on television.
What would you do if you were a millionaire? Nothing
, living almost as far, to me money can not corrupt me, I've never had, and if one day I have it, mostly I will try to enjoy and live a life according to my way of being and thinking.
What is your ideal woman?
My ideal woman is a particularly simple girl and sincere, not like too much the party that has peace in their thoughts and their actions, the physical I do not, always within a minimum. If up to share my love of animals, for it would be the perfect girl.
I love and I think a lot of people your own peculiar use of language, could you make a list of words Pedroianas? Superior
, acute = fast walking, posluego = balls ... is hard to think of the words I use, they must arise spontaneously and be within a context.
What does "tend to put all rabbit hair" ?
means: criticize, parsley leaf, to fall from a donkey and a half back, put it all soft, they say to put it gently, and the hair of a rabbit is tender.
has been a pleasure to answer your questions and greetings strong.
The pleasure has been my great Peter.
NOTE 1: Listen non-stop "Lava Lava" of strain and Sarmientos
NOTE 2: are attentive, Greatest Hits of Farmer Wants a Wife 1, 2 and 3 soon.
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