Sunday, December 26, 2010
Doujinshi Bulma Future Machine
(Posted, December 2010).
We reviewed the last time the praise of Benedict XVI to the British legal and political institutions, examining their historical context and its importance in the Social Doctrine of the Church, especially after the classic confrontation with liberalism Rousseau of continental origin.
The issue we discuss today is more current and has to do with the speech (written, not spoken) to La Sapienza, the January 17, 2008. There Benedict XVI addressed the role of faith in public life. Fully aware of current debates on the subject, especially those from Rawls and Habermas, the Pope then developed a new notion of public reason from Christianity, which we discuss and comment in due course (1). On this occasion, the Pope follows the same path. Bluntly, poses a key question: "Where is the ethical foundation of political deliberations?" And he answers: "... The Catholic tradition holds that the objective standards for action fair share of government are accessible to reason, regardless of the content of revelation. In this regard, the role of religion in political debate is not so much provide those rules, as if they could not know the nonbelievers. " This is first asserts that human reason can know justice in political life, is why believers or not, but knows that the Catholic tradition, through reason, faith harmony (key of his pontificate (2)) has provided, after the original sin, the knowledge of the natural law tradition of thought that is in a meta-physical level to the world today is very difficult to understand. So says with great subtlety: the role of religion in public life is to provide such standards as if they themselves inaccessible to the reason of non-believers. And still less that we have stressed all the time from the Acton Institute, discarding clericalisms left and right, "... to propose concrete political solutions, which is completely outside the purview of religion." What then? "Their role is rather she continues to help purify and illuminate the application of reason to the discovery of objective moral principles." That is, combining this notion with the statement on 17/01/2008, faith provides a "sensitivity intellectual "for issues that are relevant to social life, especially those issues that touch the natural law" primary. " The believer can speak in public without hiding because they were believers, but by giving reasons, from this condition, which can be shared by the unbeliever. In this sense, the Fe has a dual role corrector: protects the right to fight religion as an enemy in the social sphere (secularism) while protecting the religion to become intolerant fundamentalism (and this protection is sound secularism). In the words of Benedict XVI, "... This paper" spell "of religion to reason has not always been welcome, in part due to distorted expressions of religion such as sectarianism and fundamentalism, which may be perceived as generating serious social problems. And again, these distortions of religion arise when insufficient attention to cleansing and unifying role of reason regarding religion. This is a two-way process. Without corrective aid of religion, the reason may also be prey to distortions, and when it is manipulated by ideologies or partially implemented at the expense of full consideration of the dignity of the human person. After all, the abuse of the reason was what caused the slave trade in the first place and many other social ills, particularly the spread of the totalitarian ideologies of the twentieth century. So I wish to state that the world of reason and the world of faith-the world of secular rationality and the world of religious beliefs, need each other and should not be afraid to engage in deep and continuing dialogue on the good of our civilization. " Particularly interesting is this paragraph: "... After all, the abuse of the reason was what caused the slave trade in the first place and many other social ills, particularly the spread of the totalitarian ideologies of the twentieth century, when Hayek himself reported lifetime "abuse of reason" (3) as the cause of totalitarian ideologies that were the main source of healthy abandoned the ideals of classical liberal tradition, which is that healthy secularism of which Benedict speaks . These ideologies are also authoritarian right-wing fundamentalist Catholic origin, who have always tried to lead directly fidei depositum corporatist dictatorship, accusing of heresy to Catholics who disagreed with his peculiar sense of "tradition." And are the left-wing authoritarianism some liberation theologies, which absorbed the Marxist socialism, also, as identified with Catholicism, denouncing as "church institution" to all that opposed them, and now subsists on a light on all Catholics to identify their ideologies of left with the thought of the Church.
But the most important conclusion derived from this pontiff who knows Rawls and Habermas, is: a believer can enter the public reason and deliberative democracy, no problem. Not so fundamentalist clerical, but remember, from his own Christian sensibility, in dialogue with other religions, social ethics for believers to share. Of course, for it must try to do communicative effort. It is not "fighting" to a nonbeliever supposedly located in a "culture of death" with a discourse on natural law do not understand who is listening and sometimes no memory who repeats it. It's about finding a path of dialogue with people of good will, to think differently on key issues and worried about life just like us. Catholicism is now closed ideologies attacked by dialogue, but does not mean that people do not ideologized behind certain positions that defend values \u200b\u200bsuch as equality, non-discrimination, freedom of choice, which are values \u200b\u200bin themselves Christians but deformed by beliefs rather than ideologies are horizons of pre-understanding in which all are born and live today, including Catholics. Our role is to be well trained, very calm and very willing to intervene with intelligent arguments in public life, just thinking that we inhabit a world which is no longer clear what it was centuries ago yes, but also backwards and very positive. So scandalized the faithful understand that renunciation of public life and lives in new catacombs. But the Faith, and especially the Catholic Faith, "is in the world" even for "non-secular," because Jesus Christ came to save the world and not condemn. Not founded an esoteric initiation rite, but an ad exoteric life and preaching. For the life of a Christian, for that life which is "go and baptize" for the life that is "being and preach" is talking about Benedict XVI. -----------------------------------
(1) See http:// and (2) See ar/editoriales/editorial16.doc
(3) See Hayek, FA von: The Counter-Revolution of Science, Liberty Press, 1952.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Stouffers' Outlet Solon Oh
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sympathy Phrases For Loss Of Mother
(Posted Acton Institute in
Winston Churchill says in the preface to his History of England (1) "... Unlike the rest of Western Europe, which still retain the imprint and legal tradition and system of Roman government, English-speaking peoples have formed at the end of the period covered by this volume, a body of principles legal and democratic one might almost say that survived the rise and attacks of the French and English empires. Parliament, trial by jury, the local government and local citizens until the early of a free press can be seen already, even in primitive form in the days when Christopher Columbus set sail is rumo the Americas. "
In this regard it is noteworthy that the liberal return policy, which many are located in the French Revolution and the Protestant spirit in a case against Catholicism (this, repeated until exhaustion Catholics who practically defined by its anti-liberalism mentally and are located at the time of the Quanta cura) is actually an evolutionary institutional sediment, mainly British origin, prior to the Reformation and the French Revolution, which fueled the spirit of the 13 American colonies before its unification in 1787. Benedict XVI
never ignored this. His understanding of the Anglo-Saxon institutions as pontiff was evident especially in his visit to the U.S. and we discussed it at the time (2), see also de Diego Serrano Redonet, Tocqueville, Benedict XVI and the U.S. (3).
not surprising then that the September 17, in the historic Westminster Hall of the palace of the British Parliament (4), the pope said resolutely these words: "... Let me also express my esteem for Parliament in this place for centuries and has had a profound influence on the development of democratic governments between nations, especially in the Commonwealth and English-speaking world in general. Your legal traditions - common law - is the basis for legal systems in many parts of the world, and your particular vision of the respective rights and duties of the State and people, as well as the separation of powers, continue to inspire many around the world. " And later: "... Great Britain is set to a pluralistic democracy greatly values \u200b\u200bthe freedom of expression, freedom of political affiliation and respect for the role of law, with a deep sense of individual rights and duties, and equality of all citizens before the law. While in another language, the Social Doctrine of the Church has much in common with that perspective, its primary concern the protection of the unique dignity of every human person created in the image and likeness of God, and its emphasis on duties of the civil authority to promote the common good. "
course, the words of the Pontiff did not consecrate any specific institutional development, but can discern once again the subject of political liberalism, which is essential for the purposes of the Acton Institute. Catholics who continue to assert the incompatibility between all forms of liberalism and Catholicism, once made all terminological clarification possible, they accuse us of talking about liberalism in the abstract, that never existed, because not only fully identify liberalism with Rousseau continental tradition, but also English traditions identified with Anglicanism, colonialism, etc., when We have seen that all parliamentary institutions, which evolve towards concrete political liberalism in history and essentially different from before the Reformation and the Enlightenment. This was made clear again and again by Hayek, in his studies on the history of political liberalism, with its distinction between Anglo-Saxon and continental line on the division of powers and individual liberties.
Of course, this is for future generations. For Argentina, where many Catholics still identify with Catholicism, "Catholic nationalism", identified in turn with the first stage of the Peronist government, with Mussolini, Franco and anti-Semitism, this is useless, do not pretend to listen to us, year after year will continue to organize courses on "Liberalism is a sin", with significant support from some church groups, while groan against the rehabilitation of Rosmini's beatification of Newman and the entire Vatican. Pope, thank God, has other things in mind: the rescue of a common right which all cultures can be understood and where Catholics have citizenship status in the universal public reason. In this issue we will devote the second part of this article.
------------------------------ Notes:
1) Churchill, WAS, History of England and peoples English speaking; Peuser, Buenos Aires, 1958, Volume I, p. 23.
4) L ' Osservatore Romano, no. 39, 26.9.2010, p. 3, online at
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sore Feet After Basketball

A month ago we had the joyful and exciting return of the record label Spicnic the real world. Relacionadísima other news today with this seal, The ACCUSED , the famed group of Bazooka Nut ( Intronautas and The Vegetale s) Cambion Commander ( Los Nikis ) Pelayo ( DDT) and Alejandro take new album. Vinyl and will only free download coupon.
So far nothing unusual or suspicious but a series of facts and I are terrified. the first song called "Welcome Mr. Marshall" appeared in Bandcamp a day before the death of Master Berlanga. Today we unveil a song recorded for 8 months and clearly speaks of the last controversial case of doping in cycling English and pointing a shotgun directly with the evil Alberto Contador. Could be a coincidence but the suspicion over has made me remember something I said Bazooka Nut 2 weeks ago: "Borja, album is called" Scarlet and self . Here I have started to shake. If I'm not mistaken last Thursday Twitters both Cuore as TMZ announced the separation of Scarlet and rope. right, could be another chance rather but what else? What if the record of the accused is a kind of oracle of tragedies and social controversy of 2011? We will be very attentive to their new releases and especially his lyrics. The return of the accused, "a visionary or a hired? Or rather, a visionary killers.
The Counter:the accused - the multicolored snake by 's Happening
The de Berlanga:
the accused - Welcome Mr. Marshall 's Happening by
Monday, December 13, 2010
Typhoid Vaccination Recommendation Cities
this year for me musically was triumphant. I found zillions of new groups and super exciting, I changed my favorite band at least 34 times, I have followed dozens of music blogs religiously with the same intensity as and I realized that even if some viejunos proclaim otherwise The music is more alive than ever. The arrival of thousands of micro-seals glory, the immediate accessibility to them and their proposals, the hundreds of sources of information have caused me stress that far from attacking me has kept me excited for a year. I bought the singles on their websites before they left, I heard the first demos of future stars and above all, I regained my faith in mankind. A blessed stress that does nothing to corroborate the excitement and mastery of many grupazos who sing in English and many others do in other languages. The boundaries between underground and mainstream are cleared and now we and our friends the only valid prescribers. We listen, we decide. Finally.
After this corny and excited speech spent to reel what I have exciting and unique this blessed 2010.
1. Javiera Mena Mena "(self-released, Chile)
Suffering" by Javiera Mena ARIESPRINCE
2. The Ginka "Ongi-Ibilly-Pop-Abilly" (Pamplona, \u200b\u200bself-released)

The Breakaway Ginka The Lava Lamps's Happening by
Joining too many factors: They do versions of my favorite bands, their music and to top it electrifies me Spicnic released the album on the label in the world more special. Here we announce and we see how the world has not forgotten Spicnic as 2011 will be a big year for The Ginka.
3. Burning Prisma 10 "(GSSH GSSH, Madrid)

underground love English and am a fan of those records accidental slap you. Its 10 "came to me by chance and now is my best friend. Blessed are the agitators and all his work underground. Disco special year!
Your Myspace
4. Aias" A pool "LP (Captured Tracks , Barcelona)

Have you ever love a group? I do often.'s always groups of girls, always play bad, always close and always have concerning an array of hits of applause . These, to make matters worse, they released their album on my favorite label of the year: Captured Tracks. God bless you.
Your Myspace
5. Fight! / Thelemáticos "Split" 7 "(The Phonographic Barcelona)

'm a simpleton, I need is two songs on a Myspace surrender to a group just given birth. I get excited, I seek, the track, I know their lives, I know ... I am so enthusiastic perfect subnormal and I must say that I am happy to be so. "Bottle and lantern" Fighting! (which appears on this 7 ") and" I do not understand are two songs Thelemáticos already part of the soundtrack of my life.
6. Denver "Music, Grammar, Architecture" (self-released, Chile)

pq Perhaps I am very much in love a spic and that affects me, but I am convinced that Latin America produces the best pop of the moment. Denver is a perfect example, I discovered at Club Phonogram (Bible total) and now I can not stop listening to your very special tecnopop. Aleluyah and up Chile!
7. Triangle Amor Bizarro "Holy Year" (Mushroom Pillow, A Corunha)

is the perfect group. I have not seen live so perfect a steamroller. Its members are perfect. Succeed in my favorite country that is Mexico. They dress well and have a perfect shirt. I said, perfectly made noise.
Your Myspace
8. The Punsetes "LP2" (programming Grabofónicas / Madriz)

A year ago I got disengage from Los Punsetes. The still love the first day and for me and are as important as The Planets. The music that you follow the recommendations of this blog (Is there anyone?) I have heard them masturbate publicly. Now enjoy them in silence, no longer a secret but I admit, I like as before, or even more.
9. Espanto "Érrimos (Birra and Partridge, Pamplona)

'm also a big fan of discovering the later groups. When I heard a vaguely remembered Horror noise in forums, and other Twitters of the wankers little music and old pop. I sat down and dedicated myself to discovering quietly and enjoy without stress. And I did, like the later is a classic on DVD or secretly read a book everyone has read. His new album is perfect. For good people.
10. Rita Indiana and the Mysteries, their existence (self-released, Puerto Rico).

was Julieta Venegas and Phonogram Club who told me about this beast. Rita is the Grace Jones of Puerto Rico, its very quick and buzzards reggaeton anthems and melodies have made me do diehard fan. Rita is stronger than 50 Cent, has more eggs than Lil Wayne and a talented alien. There is no one like her, is impossible.
Your Myspace
11. Julieta Venegas "Another thing" (Sony, Mexico)

I think with Javiera Mena is the record that I hear this year. When I hear "I know" I usually do 8 times. I rarely happens. I love the special people, the Mexican accents, Mexico and the perfect songs for that and much more megaultra'm a fan of Juliet and her latest album.
12. The Directors' For love and hierarchy " (Disc Islam, Madrid)

Misteriso responsible combo video of the year. check it out here. His album, released by Records Islam is free and is a perfect exercise of pop sick and listless.
13. Delorean "Subiza" (Mushroom Pillow, Zarautz)

Full stop. The Delorean is Oscar. I attest, are great in the USA and me these things move me. Apart from the disk that is 10, seems to me inhuman and wonderful that these kids succeed north. I like their roots, their tastes and what they do. I recognize that not long ago in an Urban Outfitters in New York heard "Real Love" and gave me goosebumps, I crawled up to the last beauty of my body and thought "how cool". DELOREAN Gora!
14. The Robertas, everything (ArtFag / Discs FUP. Costa Rica)

powerful image unstoppable and Costa Rica. When people and the blogs are talking about things "cool" I think in Las Robertas. It was on May 9, two days after my birthday when it first appeared here. All for a link to someone I love very much slipped into my Facebook with this sentence: "Your new favorite band." The best birthday present. Will soon be in Spain. Olé.
15. Ornament and Crime
"puzzle of fashion and moral perfection" (Limbo Starr, Madrid)

I like the English tradition of disks that are scary: Crono, Demolition Arias, SuperElvis, bugs, Loft del Macho, Damn Your Eyes and now these dangerous intellectuals Madrid. Their debut album is a kick to dislike you, a waste of rage and a masterpiece of tortured music.
16. Buena Esperanza "s / t" (Gran Derby, Madrid)

A 10 "just perfect. Hardcoreta Rabia and speed. When you have nobody cares the hardcore of the 90 are three and removed the chain a perfect exercise speed and melody arhythmic hunch. Very emotional and very well. I want more.
17. Great Friday "National Mortgage" (Birra and Partridge, Madrid)

18. Sacramento "The Mascot"

remind me Momonje and Laluli unavoidably, a duo that just can not name them I drop a tear of nostalgia for other times and it never appeared a duo so special in this country. Well, Sacramento is in Madrid but could well be in South Dakota and live in a caravan raising wildebeest. Make mini-hits with a voice like helium girl and a guy pulled. "Hawaii" is one of the hitazos of the year and this 10 "is enjoyed in all its fullness.
19. Thelemáticos "(Disco Ocean, Barcelona)
Thelematicos are a rare, an endangered species. A English group that belongs to that great line of English groups who are worshiped by the mere fact of its existence, namely: Demolition Arias, Crono, Detergent, The Foundation Johnson & Johnson, K Surveyor, Grade 33 , Macho loft, Momonje ... His record is petado of hits.
20. Dear Raul, everything. (Artichoke Blue Recordings, Madrid)

love this kind of Daniel Jonsthon Hispanic. Keeps the magic of the genius of Austin but obviously has more head and that gives more play. Churros albums ago, this year I think you've taken 8 and hide in their songs hits you in the mouth and into the hands of another stadium could be anthems. Better to remain so for nice, productive, amazing and dilapidated. In 2011 his 11 lp's will be glorious and his legion of fans filled mini-statesmen. Thanks Raul. Do not miss the song dedicated to Mai Meneses de Nena Daconte.
21. Mary and Joseph "Invisible Spirit" (Love Records, Mexico)

Listen and get off the Myspace album of his , I appreciate it. Arhythmic rhythms, guacamoles rhythm, the sound of the future.
22. Egyptian Aldodón (self-released, Venezuela)

Everyone who reads this should listen to the duo Youth and sexy, kind of Moldy Peaches to Venezuela. These unfortunately have taken a break that we want to end immediately. Cheki, the guy like a lizard tail mounted this wonder called Egyptian cotton. Male Bonding versions ago and Of Montreal and remixea to Las Robertas. Besides, his hit songs are impeccable. Find out is to love him.
23. Papa Topo (Elefant Records, Palma de Mallorca)
and Lava Lamps (Spicnic, Madrid)

The existence of Topo Dad loves me. Lava Lamps of seems to me the most. This year will draw both disk. Pre-teens making songs, as in 60, hope is the beginning of a long pre-teens to lower the average age of our state pop.
That was all thanks to all. I had a pipe in 2010.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Chicken And Perlo Rice Recipe
recently (Nov. 21) participated in Spain in the XII Congress of Catholic and Public Life, University of San Pablo, Madrid. My presentation was "social charity." In one part of my speech I said the following. He particularly emphasized phrases.
".... The international crisis of 2008 the U.S. has been involved in an almost massive nationalization of capital markets, when the Federal Reserve itself and causes that caused the crisis (1), and have worsened in Latin America before and after of the crisis, the so-called century socialism XXI. Under these circumstances, not just enough to remember the need for investment poverty reduction, but also the conditions of free market entry, especially in a supposedly globalized world but still closed. We speak of international solidarity focusing our attention on bodies such as IMF and World Bank, but these bodies, working directly with governments, are part of the problem. The issue is the free entry of persons and capital. This corresponds yes, but not consistently say is the only solution to the immigrant Christian sensibility, the refugee, the terrible suffering of millions and millions of displaced people fleeing horrific wars, genocide and inhuman conditions of life. The care of these people, do not have to do with social charity? Then we proposed possible and realistic. It is unrealistic to proclaim our love for the immigrant and the same time we close our borders. But the free flow of capital and people is not a self-immolation of the region itself. Free trade is not a zero sum game or not, is a system where each person, contributing to market their work freely, equal before the law and without the privileges of welfare state, the level of life for all because any action on the market, under these conditions, is an investment. I come from a country that is practically a desert approximately 3,700,000 square km. Would not it be an act of true charity that millions of suffering people find refuge in this land? But it remains closed even for its own people, because public opinion in government and the governed believe the economy is a fixed pie of resources that an increase to a decrease for another. But this is not true in a market open to the creativity of investments in equality before the law. Therefore, a great opportunity to combine charity with scarcity, the gift with the market, would say: Come, this is the only step on land and work, without privileges, without subsidies, on an equal basis with other . Do not resonate in our ears that "... there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (2)? Well, would not it be a translation, though debatable, in that spirit to our social order, open borders in a free market? I ask these questions because if we speak of charity, and we want to apply the social order, the laity must be critical of existing structures and courageous in our concrete proposals, though conscious, of course, that nothing that we propose is derived directly from depositum fidei. But our Christian sensibility. Millions and millions of human beings struggling to survive in subhuman conditions in areas destroyed by war and authoritarianism of various species. We know it but it seems that nothing we can do except resort to complicated schemes of international aid through static and appointed bodies that appear to discharge our personal responsibility for falling into new forms of instrumental rationality, while still promoting the ideas of state nation and hatred of foreigners. But no, because there should be foreign. The look the other as other, look the other from the Good Samaritan, implies that the other is primarily a human being that requires our attention on an equal footing. "For the Christian," says Edith Stein-no strangers "(3). Well, although the intensity of the love of those words can not express in the limitations of human law (4), at least we can do the latter clear the border and clear differences also new marginalization and enslavement that produce a paper the label of "alien" placed by the instrumental rationality of nation-states.
I said all aware that these issues may produce some controversial but conscious, in turn, that issues such as charity may be so large that eventually ended up not saying anything, especially anything non-Christian world. I am a layman, and corresponds to criticize my lay status, propose and suggest, personally, aware my fallibility, as moot against depositum fidei and well out into the arena of the contemporary world while I protect myself to my holy and immaculate Church. "
1) See Austrian business cycle theory, mainly in Mises, L. von: The Theory of Money and Credit (1912), Liberty Fund, 1981, Human Action, (1949), Sopec, Madrid, 1968, chaps. XX and XXXI.
2) Ga 3, 28.
3) Quoted by Theresa Matre Dei Edith Stein in her book, In Search of God, the Divine Word, Pamplona, \u200b\u200b1994, p. 224.
4) We refer to these words of St. Thomas. " . . human law provides for a multitude of men, in which most men are not perfect in virtue. And so, human law does not prohibit all vices, from which a virtuous man abstains, but prohibits only the most serious of which is more likely to abstain from most men, especially those things that are for the injury of others, without which no society ban could be retained, such as homicides, robberies, and other similar services "(I-II, Q. 96, a. 2).
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Can I Get Braces With A Crown Molar
asks a reader: "... At this point do not know how Gabriel can reconcile with Popper or Feyerabend Mises." Answering
Mises POPPER (In Nomoi, February 2009, https: / /
1. Introduction and methodology used. Recently
interesting proposals have been written at bringing together the two great minds thinking that "a priori" not seem to have nothing to do: Mises and Popper. At least, from what I have seen recently, and witnessed by Ivo Sarjanovic reflections, Francesco Di Iorio, and Rafe Champion. Since Mises and Popper are two authors whom I have devoted much of my studies, epistemology, I would like intentio auctoris, put my two cents on the issue, which I hope not, lectoris intentio in a grain of confusion.
But precisely, intentio auctoris (what the author meant) and intentio lectoris (what the reader reads) is the methodology we used in this short article. Very much influenced by current hermeneutics (Eco, Gadamer) confess our great skepticism about achieving certainty what an author meant, or at least usually tries (we are not referring to any of the authors cited) , that is, quotes that would free themselves of interpretation, as if the history of thought achieve that "empirical" than the first inductivism intended, free of theory. Impossible. But this is not bad news: just leads to another type of intentio, intentio lectoris, where the reader is, first, aware that never goes out of interpretive assumptions, and, on the other, the reading of an author done to solve real problems rather than issues rated. And if we incline to the conjecture to certainty, in some authors, it is because we lived in your home (Heidegger) thing has little to do, again, with a positivism of texts of his thought. If that we are breaking rules normally practiced (Feyerabend) is because we think this is key to progress, we risk a regressive research program (Lakatos) and thank Nomoi authorities to allow us to so unusual procedure. Therefore, from here to the end the reader does not see any quotation or any other type.
2. Historical situation of both authors.
If the authors attempt to reconcile the differences between the two authors have to work so hard is that they are indeed very different. Mises
never left his basic training in the "human sciences" author Weber-style key to understanding historically Mises. Its passage by Menger emphasized not only its methodology to work the basics of the theory as the core of any social science, but also forever confirmed his two "enemies" basic positivism on the one hand, and historicism, on the other, against which continued to fight until his penultimate book in 1957, when the battle against German historicism was part of history of thought. Inductivism always considered possible in the field of natural sciences and Weberian neokantism inherited from the rejection of all metaphysics.
Popper was born in Vienna 21 years later, lived in another world ("world" in the sense Husserl / Gadamer). Their frame of reference, in its first 40 years or so, were the natural sciences, mathematics, positivism Circle Vienna, and his first confrontation with one of his central thesis, namely induction. Social issues appear on the horizon, at least in terms of academics (not on what life) between 1942 and 1944, when he wrote The Poverty of Historicism and the famous Open Society. The place he still holds the conjectural there does not seem to have much to do with certainty Misiana strong both economically and politically, and subsequent concerns Popper are, above all, the strengthening of their own method, on the one hand, their concerns regarding the evolution, quantum theory, the world 3, the universe, which, on the other, its discussions with Kuhn, Lakatos and Adorno. Relatively
obvious, at least prima facie, that the horizons of both authors and do not cross that had minimal notice of each other would create obvious misunderstandings.
3. The usual interpretation of both.
But, moreover, both authors have generated disciples to emphasize aspects of his thoughts that are too contradictory. Popper is customary to emphasize the conjectural of human knowledge, on the one hand (as the basis of both its epistemology and its political philosophy) and the importance of empirical testing, but not as induction and falsification. The Popper of the ethics of dialogue is barely mentioned (Artigas and Boland might be exceptions) and several His disciples consider Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend more or less as signs of degeneration epistemology. For Mises, I believe that the "interpretation Rothbard is normal. The certainty of human knowledge, both in its point of departure and arrival at the point, admits no auxiliary hypothesis in the middle, empirical testing has nothing to do in social sciences and natural sciences if it is, the induction achieved since there are certain constants. Axiomatic-deductive method in social sciences, natural sciences inductive method, accuracy in both. On the side of Popper, hypothetical-deductive method in all the sciences, both conjectures. Obviously, both groups of followers have formed two churches, as would Feyerabend (Popper church and the church Misiana) where the mutual excommunication is obvious and where many followers clamoring for a legitimate right to pontificate and authentic interpretations of the authentic teachings of the Messiah .
4. The ambivalence of his writings.
But on top of problems, the "extremists" of both authors can be found in two quotations that apparently support their interpretation. It would be very interesting, and worthy of the method that we are following is the complete list of citations which Mises enthroned the accuracy of the starting points of the deduction and the findings in economics, and compares it with math. And the strongest texts about works not marginal, they are in Human Action and the two specifically devoted to the epistemology of economics: Epistemological Problems and The Ultimate Foundation. On the side of Popper, the texts that emphasize the conjectural as the core of human knowledge not only of physics are endless, just as he happens to texts that speak of the importance of empirical falsification.
Of course, the interesting thing is that these texts alongside other texts that have similar or moderate, or put under stress, or enrich, or to inconsistent (there every reader will say ... ..) the author's thinking. For Mises, his references to the "real world conditions" have been the cross of its performers, especially since he puts a condition to continue deducting .... His reference to the trends (not necessary) for employers to explain the market process, to psychological factors (not praxeological) in the case of banking systems, to manage expectations for the cycle theory .... And that to talk about the theoretical part: in its letters of situation, the "lost papers", as adviser to the Viennese Chamber of Commerce, references to the specific circumstances, including numbers, are permanent, Just as in his seminal book The Theory of money and credit, without specifying, by Mises, if this "castle" with the specific circumstances are necessary conditions for the production I corroboration of the theory. Similarly happening in their specific policy proposals and in its monetary reform proposal 52 or its reform proposal for Mexico, 43. Of course any "Misesian practitioner" we can say that .... But the matter is that the text did not say ....
For Popper, ibid. His references to his own metaphysical research programs, the empirical falsifiability is not the same and the certainty of them (I mean the certainty and empirical falsifiability not realism, free will, the World 3, indeterminism, logic ...), his famous principle of rationality in social science, its ethics of dialogue, rational attitude as moral order, its important reference to the interpretation and theory charge any empirical basis (subject to which we will return) .... Are all issues that seem to get away from the unequivocal Popper conjectures and refutations, which seemed almost only Hempel except falsifiability. Back: richness of thought or mere inconsistency? What "text" can answer the question?
5. Pleas of ambivalence.
But why, in both cases, this "split personality", which both can lead to confusion? We believe that in both cases, the authors visualized an interaction between theory and world "much deeper than their linguistic tools (inherited in turn from their historical horizons, point 2) allowed them to explain and express. For Mises, there was a management style Menger concrete reality, where the definition of the concept in question was a necessary condition to manage in the real world of complex phenomena ("complex phenomena" is an expression of Mises in Action Humana). Why then is handled as much comfort as circumstances economist. For Popper, the claim that all experience "empirical" (whatever it is) is full of theory leads to a conception of science where they always should be handled with a theory "a priori". This is the fundamental coincidence, not attempted, the two authors, and Sarjanovic, Di Iorio and Champion never tire of stress. In other words, both authors argue that any theory is "somehow" a priori. But, to defend that position, did not notice (both) that were introduced in the core of phenomenology and hermeneutics that, if they knew, it was from the negative preconceptions continental metaphysics inspired them. Then go to the next point.
6. The hermeneutic leap in both authors.
Let's start with the simplest. Mises said that empirical testing is impossible in social sciences. Obviously, because he was referring to empirical testing as it inductivism understands that it is impossible starting from the natural sciences. Boettke and Ebeling had seen this clearly, how long ago it was dedicated to these things taken by the hand and Hermeneutics by Don Lavoie Lachmann. And Popper, of course, would have coincided. If empirical testing is understood that an induction will be "proof" of the hypothesis, this is impossible in all the sciences. Hayek explicitly set this teaching in his preface to Studies in 1967.
But I can tell, Popper argues empirical testing and falsification. Yeah, sure, but the empirical testing: a) has an empirical base that is already interpreted by the theory that you want to falsify (or vicious circle .... The hermeneutic circle?), B) is not necessary from a logical point of view. When Popper defends itself from accusations of falsifiability naive (released mainly by the poor little children Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend) Duhem thesis asserts the same sympathetic he found nothing in its early stages. Falsification is not necessary because it is the negation of a set of n + n guess initial conditions. So what about empirical testing? Popper could not go further. Lakatos attempted to distinguish empirically progressive program of another regressive, but to the incisive criticism of his friend Feyerabend had to admit that one could stay in a regressive research program "always to recognize the risk with which Feyerabend had more arguments for the own: it is not empirical testing, but to proceed counter-inductively re-interpret the world according to a theory that "seems" right. But this is not very different of continental hermeneutics: the horizon of pre constitutes the world could not be "refuted" by him. That any theory is a priori is in this sense as saying there is no bare facts of performance. Always "see" through a theory (Husserl), "world" (Husserl), "Horizon" (Gadamer), Popper called "speculation," Kuhn's "paradigm", Lakatos 'program' and Feyerabend "contrainductivo proceed." If not, we are blind. All theory, of course, you can "criticize", "counter" from another theory. But is it not It something that Mises had accepted the axioms for the deductive chain me? Was not that the defense does Mises Machlup when accused Hutchison of dogmatic and ideological priori? "And is not what Popper said last permanently critical rationality and the dialogic attitude?
latter is important because the entire world view can be criticized but not necessarily. Horizons, worlds, paradigms, beliefs (Ortega) did not criticize themselves. This is not bad news from the point of view that's why entering crisis (Kuhn). But from an ethical standpoint, then yes these distinctions are important: natural attitude and theoretical attitude (Husserl), communication, understanding, of horizons (Gadamer), dialogic approach (Popper). That is the lasting legacy of Popper's critical to incorporate in our worldviews. And in that sense Boland is right: it is important that the Socratic Popper Popper methodologist.
But, returning, there is no empirical testing as facts vs. theories, even in the sense that the first empirical falsifiability Popper, and fortunately "warned" by Popper himself to be "theory-laden." What we have is theory and critical theory from the theory itself or from another. That is what made Copernicus to Ptolemy. There are no "facts" to verify or refute theories. The optical illusion occurs because otherwise we fail to see the interpretation of social and physical world we constantly from our theoretical horizons. But it was obvious to the continental hermeneutic with which Mises and Popper were unfortunately cut off (and vice versa), and this is what Kuhn Koyré and spent all his life to explaining the natural sciences.
Therefore, what unites both writers completely is that both were, within the limitations of their own paradigm, a central hermeneutical issue, and have had no problem giving this "hermeneutic leap" that placed well both outside and in front of his own time. The best thing that could make his followers to continue this path, rather than become priests of new religions academic.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Does It Still Count If Dvr
Philosophy for professionals (philosophers included *)
---------------------- IMPORTANT: Registration and questions is only writing to NO on facebook or blog.
* While this is a philosophy course for professionals from various careers, who have studied philosophy (teachers, lawyers and doctors) may benefit substantially the same as addressing philosophical issues usually found outside the curricula of university and tertiary philosophy.
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From 2006 to date, ELEF has been an alternative to formal education system. Not intended to substitute for now simply because it is legally impossible, but we have done everything possible to create a family atmosphere, friendly, serious and desacartonado at a time, where everyone could express themselves, learn and be free from the fears and pressures of the system formal.
Without neglecting these meetings, we will take a new step. Always I have tried, within the formal system of philosophy open to everyone, trying to schedule post-graduate courses in philosophy for professionals from various careers. All three times it was impossible: the formal system is too rigid and do not want to go into details that would undermine the charity . I just want to say again that, in an open society that respects individual freedoms, everyone wants to study what he wants, has the title that their efforts and give freedom, run the respective risks and no other travel prevents any way. Still less with the philosophy: all humans are philosophers, my whole life has been a wakeup call to philosophers asleep to take the red pill ...
Now, simply, peace and freedom from home, in the friendship of dialogue, in the warmth of understanding and encouragement you want to wake up to the philosopher in him, I will offer systematic philosophy courses once a week, for professionals and for anyone who wants to learn. No battery, no cable, no worries, no more tests to authentic existence, without titles more than the actual seriousness of life and the prestige of the study itself. Ideal for those who are more or less in midlife and look with nostalgia could not study philosophy at the time. Ideal for those already within the formal system, they have their title, and now simply want to return to the love of wisdom that you carry.
Of course, I ask for the content of the courses. Before that, more importantly, is the method, which is a meta-content that covers all others, is, as Karl Popper would say, a more than a theory. This method involves the following paradox: the anti-Zanotta Zanotto :-)
Zanotto because obviously, I am kind from me, from my own background and ideas, you can see if they open my CV and watch my training, my writings, etc.. (See Of course, on that issue there (Ah :-) doubts. Zanotti What? "Thomist, Popper, hermeneutic, liberal, Husserl, etc., Etc., Etc.? I do not I have the answer, so I can help :-)
discover anti-Zanotta
But because in my classes, but I do not intend, each located in yourself and in your lane. The only thing I do is put each train, each in his way, though not mine. In turn, if someone walks my way, free will, on its own conviction, and then it will be your way too.
And that is because the Zanotto is a method (not original, but much neglected in the formal education system) that consists primarily in dialogue. In zanotti classes (yes, lower case) everyone can disagree with anything you say zanotti, even with the latter. In his classes, do not know to say, but say to know. In his classes, questions are an essential part of planning class. In his classes, freedom is an essential part of the method. No nagging question, rather, what annoys is the lack of questions. And if someone wants to attack with any questions, Aikido makes language :-) zanotti
Of course, all these I know my former students and now friends (who were students because he always treated them as friends), but if anyone doubts this, try me.
The Zanotto antizanottista includes other methods that unfold spontaneously as they appear unexpectedly in the foreseeable zanotti neurons: a) ridiculous jokes, of which we laugh in ridicule, not the joke b) reflections on Woody Allen films, Hollywood movies are not supposed to anything (ie, are Heidegger ) and various television series, c) examples with Star Trek, where no man has gone before, but yes :-) zanotti, d) reflections on Aikido, e) other contingencies like :-).
This is the value added of my courses, apart from 26 years to resist the education system formal.
The antizanottista Zanotto also issues certificates of any kind, consistent with the libertarian anarchism described :-). However, if one wanted me to certify their attendance at my classes, I accept, in which case prompted a monograph where the assistant must submit to review the material posted.
Now to describe the content of the courses, which will be every Tuesday, starting Tuesday March 15 at 19 pm.
The topics are open to suggestions from students and is therefore an open approach and modified on the fly. -------------------------------------------------
-------- NOTE:
Course 1 and occurred from August to November 2010. March 2011 begins with the course 2 (Course 1 is repeated in August 2012.) -------------------------------------------------
1. Introduction to the sense of history of philosophy.
philosophy is NOT a disjointed set of systems, systems of ideas that appear to have been designed by people who had foot lunatic anywhere except on earth. The history of philosophy is the consistent deployment of human reason search for meaning, and each period, therefore, has a meaning that is explained by the previous and projected to the rear. The explanation of that sense, rather than a show scholar of names and dates (for that are many books and encyclopedias) is the objective of this course. This is not a "historiography", but the sense of ancient philosophy, medieval, etc.
Specific topics:
1. Ancient philosophy and metaphysics of Aristotle
2. The early medieval philosophy
3. The heyday of scholasticism and Thomas Aquinas
4. Renaissance, modernity and Rene Descartes
5. Hume and the crisis of rationalist metaphysics
6. Kant I
7. Kant II
8. Metaphysics after Kant
9. Various issues of contemporary philosophy
10. A non-believer, Popper
11. A believer, Edith Stein.
2. The ever-present issues of philosophy.
philosophy, if not human, if not an attempt to answer the deepest questions of human existence, is as important as the history of ping pong (without underestimating at all the ping pong ). Therefore these issues will be given from a human perspective and existential and are therefore a philosophical therapy.
1. Philosophy of philosophy.
2. The history of philosophy
3. Free will and determinism
4. Soul and body, consciousness and object, mind and brain
5. Knowledge
6. Knowledge and understanding
7. Knowledge and interpretation II
8. Philosophy and language
9. Philosophy and Language II
10. Philosophy and the meaning of life.
11. Oh God!
3. An immersion in the philosophy of science.
sciences seem out of philosophy and immune to their debates and problems. Thus, the aim of this seminar is to show that, in the twentieth century, debates about philosophy of science are philosophical and have led to rethinking the meaning of science and re-locate in philosophy. At the same time, the issues arising from this approach are so large they involve, as appropriate, a global pose on skills of human knowledge and the relationship between science, philosophy, religion and politics.
Specific topics:
1. The emergence of modern science in
2. Inductivism: rigid, broad, Aristotelian.
Neopositivism 4. Popper
5. Popper II
6. Kuhn I
7. Kuhn II
8. Lakatos
9. Feyerabend
10. Feyerabend II
11. What now?
12. From science to philosophy.
4. Metaphysics, phenomenology and hermeneutics.
not scared by the names. The previous seminar will we raised three questions: Is there something beyond science? (Metaphysics). zanotti say yes. Is there a philosophy that step into the world of life (phenomenology) and deepen it? zanotti say yes. Is there something that is beyond interpretation (hermeneutics) of this world in life? zanotti say no. "We removed it the truth? zanotti say the opposite!
Specific topics:
1. Metaphysics "deep" in Aquinas
2. Their chances today.
3. Husserl and phenomenology.
4. Husserl and phenomenology of the lifeworld.
5. Dialogue with Edith Stein.
6. Heidegger's mysterious.
7. Gadamer and their horizons
8. Gadamer and your horizons II
9. Wittgenstein and language games
10. Summary: being in the world
11. Being in the world and the interpretation
12. Being in the world and the truth.
As you can see, each course involves a semester and thus complete the four courses are equivalent to what they call post-graduate formal systems but usually deny the course "no philosopher."
Issues "formal" information:
1. Start date: Tuesday 15 March.
2. Time: 19 to 21.
3. Location: home of Gabriel and Marco, Villa Park (the address will be given after the corresponding email).
4. Terms entry: a) cool b) sense of humor; c) inhabit the planet Mars, d), send an email to explaining why he wants to do the course, e) not to forget the point d, f ) do not forget to make the passage of Mars to Villa Park in advance.
5. Cost, $ 150 per month.
6. The reading material will be sent by email.
7. Any additional questions or concerns, send an email to
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ELEF founding Act 2006:
philosophical and epistemological
education revolution underway.
"... If I thought about a future, dreamed of founding a school in which young people could learn without boredom, in which they were encouraged to raise issues and discuss them, a school that would not have to listen to unwanted answers to questions not raised, in which not only had to study for the test "Karl R.
La Escuela Libre de Estudios philosophical and epistemological (ELEF) opens its doors as a sort of study and reflection, which can cope, so quixotic, the intellectual oppression of formal systems of education.
In ELEFAN learn without method (Feyerabend), with criticism (Popper), with theory (Husserl), by word and contemplation (Santo Tomas). ELEF no exams, grades, attendance, fees, or any certificate or approval. Moves independently of the requirements of the formal education system and additional system of the Soviet state formally. The only thing you offered to study participants. That alone J. In a short time ELEF
announce its first courses, which will be dialogues, discussions on various topics and authors. Gabriel Zanotti is the main instigator of this subversion of educational, spokesperson for the real revolution. The revolution has only one proclaims, anyone can be against what you tell Zanotti, even with the latter.
Buenos Aires, February 2006.