Philosophy for professionals (philosophers included *)
---------------------- IMPORTANT: Registration and questions is only writing to NO on facebook or blog.
* While this is a philosophy course for professionals from various careers, who have studied philosophy (teachers, lawyers and doctors) may benefit substantially the same as addressing philosophical issues usually found outside the curricula of university and tertiary philosophy.
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From 2006 to date, ELEF has been an alternative to formal education system. Not intended to substitute for now simply because it is legally impossible, but we have done everything possible to create a family atmosphere, friendly, serious and desacartonado at a time, where everyone could express themselves, learn and be free from the fears and pressures of the system formal.
Without neglecting these meetings, we will take a new step. Always I have tried, within the formal system of philosophy open to everyone, trying to schedule post-graduate courses in philosophy for professionals from various careers. All three times it was impossible: the formal system is too rigid and do not want to go into details that would undermine the charity . I just want to say again that, in an open society that respects individual freedoms, everyone wants to study what he wants, has the title that their efforts and give freedom, run the respective risks and no other travel prevents any way. Still less with the philosophy: all humans are philosophers, my whole life has been a wakeup call to philosophers asleep to take the red pill ...
Now, simply, peace and freedom from home, in the friendship of dialogue, in the warmth of understanding and encouragement you want to wake up to the philosopher in him, I will offer systematic philosophy courses once a week, for professionals and for anyone who wants to learn. No battery, no cable, no worries, no more tests to authentic existence, without titles more than the actual seriousness of life and the prestige of the study itself. Ideal for those who are more or less in midlife and look with nostalgia could not study philosophy at the time. Ideal for those already within the formal system, they have their title, and now simply want to return to the love of wisdom that you carry.
Of course, I ask for the content of the courses. Before that, more importantly, is the method, which is a meta-content that covers all others, is, as Karl Popper would say, a more than a theory. This method involves the following paradox: the anti-Zanotta Zanotto :-)
Zanotto because obviously, I am kind from me, from my own background and ideas, you can see if they open my CV and watch my training, my writings, etc.. (See Of course, on that issue there (Ah :-) doubts. Zanotti What? "Thomist, Popper, hermeneutic, liberal, Husserl, etc., Etc., Etc.? I do not I have the answer, so I can help :-)
discover anti-Zanotta
But because in my classes, but I do not intend, each located in yourself and in your lane. The only thing I do is put each train, each in his way, though not mine. In turn, if someone walks my way, free will, on its own conviction, and then it will be your way too.
And that is because the Zanotto is a method (not original, but much neglected in the formal education system) that consists primarily in dialogue. In zanotti classes (yes, lower case) everyone can disagree with anything you say zanotti, even with the latter. In his classes, do not know to say, but say to know. In his classes, questions are an essential part of planning class. In his classes, freedom is an essential part of the method. No nagging question, rather, what annoys is the lack of questions. And if someone wants to attack with any questions, Aikido makes language :-) zanotti
Of course, all these I know my former students and now friends (who were students because he always treated them as friends), but if anyone doubts this, try me.
The Zanotto antizanottista includes other methods that unfold spontaneously as they appear unexpectedly in the foreseeable zanotti neurons: a) ridiculous jokes, of which we laugh in ridicule, not the joke b) reflections on Woody Allen films, Hollywood movies are not supposed to anything (ie, are Heidegger ) and various television series, c) examples with Star Trek, where no man has gone before, but yes :-) zanotti, d) reflections on Aikido, e) other contingencies like :-).
This is the value added of my courses, apart from 26 years to resist the education system formal.
The antizanottista Zanotto also issues certificates of any kind, consistent with the libertarian anarchism described :-). However, if one wanted me to certify their attendance at my classes, I accept, in which case prompted a monograph where the assistant must submit to review the material posted.
Now to describe the content of the courses, which will be every Tuesday, starting Tuesday March 15 at 19 pm.
The topics are open to suggestions from students and is therefore an open approach and modified on the fly. -------------------------------------------------
-------- NOTE:
Course 1 and occurred from August to November 2010. March 2011 begins with the course 2 (Course 1 is repeated in August 2012.) -------------------------------------------------
1. Introduction to the sense of history of philosophy.
philosophy is NOT a disjointed set of systems, systems of ideas that appear to have been designed by people who had foot lunatic anywhere except on earth. The history of philosophy is the consistent deployment of human reason search for meaning, and each period, therefore, has a meaning that is explained by the previous and projected to the rear. The explanation of that sense, rather than a show scholar of names and dates (for that are many books and encyclopedias) is the objective of this course. This is not a "historiography", but the sense of ancient philosophy, medieval, etc.
Specific topics:
1. Ancient philosophy and metaphysics of Aristotle
2. The early medieval philosophy
3. The heyday of scholasticism and Thomas Aquinas
4. Renaissance, modernity and Rene Descartes
5. Hume and the crisis of rationalist metaphysics
6. Kant I
7. Kant II
8. Metaphysics after Kant
9. Various issues of contemporary philosophy
10. A non-believer, Popper
11. A believer, Edith Stein.
2. The ever-present issues of philosophy.
philosophy, if not human, if not an attempt to answer the deepest questions of human existence, is as important as the history of ping pong (without underestimating at all the ping pong ). Therefore these issues will be given from a human perspective and existential and are therefore a philosophical therapy.
1. Philosophy of philosophy.
2. The history of philosophy
3. Free will and determinism
4. Soul and body, consciousness and object, mind and brain
5. Knowledge
6. Knowledge and understanding
7. Knowledge and interpretation II
8. Philosophy and language
9. Philosophy and Language II
10. Philosophy and the meaning of life.
11. Oh God!
3. An immersion in the philosophy of science.
sciences seem out of philosophy and immune to their debates and problems. Thus, the aim of this seminar is to show that, in the twentieth century, debates about philosophy of science are philosophical and have led to rethinking the meaning of science and re-locate in philosophy. At the same time, the issues arising from this approach are so large they involve, as appropriate, a global pose on skills of human knowledge and the relationship between science, philosophy, religion and politics.
Specific topics:
1. The emergence of modern science in
2. Inductivism: rigid, broad, Aristotelian.
Neopositivism 4. Popper
5. Popper II
6. Kuhn I
7. Kuhn II
8. Lakatos
9. Feyerabend
10. Feyerabend II
11. What now?
12. From science to philosophy.
4. Metaphysics, phenomenology and hermeneutics.
not scared by the names. The previous seminar will we raised three questions: Is there something beyond science? (Metaphysics). zanotti say yes. Is there a philosophy that step into the world of life (phenomenology) and deepen it? zanotti say yes. Is there something that is beyond interpretation (hermeneutics) of this world in life? zanotti say no. "We removed it the truth? zanotti say the opposite!
Specific topics:
1. Metaphysics "deep" in Aquinas
2. Their chances today.
3. Husserl and phenomenology.
4. Husserl and phenomenology of the lifeworld.
5. Dialogue with Edith Stein.
6. Heidegger's mysterious.
7. Gadamer and their horizons
8. Gadamer and your horizons II
9. Wittgenstein and language games
10. Summary: being in the world
11. Being in the world and the interpretation
12. Being in the world and the truth.
As you can see, each course involves a semester and thus complete the four courses are equivalent to what they call post-graduate formal systems but usually deny the course "no philosopher."
Issues "formal" information:
1. Start date: Tuesday 15 March.
2. Time: 19 to 21.
3. Location: home of Gabriel and Marco, Villa Park (the address will be given after the corresponding email).
4. Terms entry: a) cool b) sense of humor; c) inhabit the planet Mars, d), send an email to explaining why he wants to do the course, e) not to forget the point d, f ) do not forget to make the passage of Mars to Villa Park in advance.
5. Cost, $ 150 per month.
6. The reading material will be sent by email.
7. Any additional questions or concerns, send an email to
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ELEF founding Act 2006:
philosophical and epistemological
education revolution underway.
"... If I thought about a future, dreamed of founding a school in which young people could learn without boredom, in which they were encouraged to raise issues and discuss them, a school that would not have to listen to unwanted answers to questions not raised, in which not only had to study for the test "Karl R.
La Escuela Libre de Estudios philosophical and epistemological (ELEF) opens its doors as a sort of study and reflection, which can cope, so quixotic, the intellectual oppression of formal systems of education.
In ELEFAN learn without method (Feyerabend), with criticism (Popper), with theory (Husserl), by word and contemplation (Santo Tomas). ELEF no exams, grades, attendance, fees, or any certificate or approval. Moves independently of the requirements of the formal education system and additional system of the Soviet state formally. The only thing you offered to study participants. That alone J. In a short time ELEF
announce its first courses, which will be dialogues, discussions on various topics and authors. Gabriel Zanotti is the main instigator of this subversion of educational, spokesperson for the real revolution. The revolution has only one proclaims, anyone can be against what you tell Zanotti, even with the latter.
Buenos Aires, February 2006.
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