Tells Mempo Giardinelli Kovadloff Santiago, 6 this month: "... With the greatest respect and no irony, my friend, I tried to tell you that does not seem right that a philosopher and columnist seriously as you take it for certain categories and assertions own any ragamuffin exasperated. "
With forced cordiality, or rather, failed attempt with kindness and respect, which Mempo Giardinelli Kovadloff tells is that a ragamuffin exasperated. Why? Because slammed the government! Very clear: if you are a philosopher and you Kirchner, are serious, if you are NOT a philosopher and Kirchner, you ... (Look for the reader who knows kinder epithets.)
But this is not just a phenomenon of Kirchner. At least in Argentina, the left considers herself "the" intellectual, while "right" is a set of illiterate just exasperated that, as entrepreneurs, professionals and middle class, capitalist defend their interests with banal speeches and immersed in their ignorance and "pizza with Champagne." A left-wing philosopher seems in principle an unacceptable betrayal of course be explained by inventing the poor quality of education of the "philosopher" in question, yo succumbed to a moment of exasperation or respond to class interests and is paid by imperialism operator (is why sometimes I fail to make ends meet?)
Argentina is, as a horizon of pre, a Eurocentric country. As such, for the Argentine philosopher, a philosopher is to go to Germany or France, and study, of course, Hegel, Marx, Hiedegger, Sartre and French post-modern. Other streams would not be worth the effort. Analytic philosophy or neopragmaticista is practically unknown in Argentina, and, if known, is a philosophy minor fruit of Anglo-Saxon capitalist environment that spawned it. If you are scholastic, worse you are a Franco (and, frankly, many Argentines have generated Thomists themselves that dreadful association). In the current neo-positivist UBA is a major, and in some departments of private universities there are some teachers who cultivate analytical philosophy, but of course they and the pro-continental absolutely hate. Mario Bunge has not been charged with calm waters, let alone who has also done its part-o-ton of sand in the classical liberalism and hatred of authors such as Popper and Hayek, whose depth studies on methodology of the natural and social sciences are labeled as mere ideological defenses. Argentina
Left intellectual, that it is Marxist background and consistently defends Kirchner, because he knows is almost the triumph of the power that sought in the 70, despises a Marxist philosopher than I combinations that Marxism had subsequently left the line over the school Frankfurt. They are used to denigrate and make fun of the ignorance of former leaders or some of the pro Menem, and even some libertarians with little training or disorderly. But a Marxist philosopher is to them an anomaly that somehow has to explain. And the explanation is not difficult. On the one hand defend our class interests and, of course, have clouded the intellect. And, on the other, surely we could not read the last line of the whole work of Hegel, or have we lost a key paragraph of Marcuse or Sartre. Neither, "you understand" Marx's surplus value. And so, what can you expect? And if you also lose other than that waste of wisdom, we infected our brains to Hayek, Mises, Husserl, and J. Thomas Ratzinger, what can you expect but a monster and hyper capitalist pig, exploiter and fundamentalist?
I had the honor of meeting James Kovadloff person only once. So I do not know what your normal readings, but obviously, Kirchner in Argentina, that where his friend saying that there full Giardinelli freedom, has gone from being a serious person to be a ragamuffin exasperated, just because it is not strange Kirchner and suffered hallucinations, such as the deterioration of institutions and civic demeaning of Argentina under the government of St. Nestor of Assisi. He's lucky not to depend on a salary from the UBA and still live in a space not taken by a legitimate popular demands.
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