Finally a reality show focused on young preppies English. It was time to risk a television with a different formula. After numerous programs dedicated to young social backgrounds rather low one and we thought that we have laughed enough of the Ninis and why not laugh now the snobs. Factors change and the best, does not alter the product. "Hijos de Papa" holds to 8 spoiled children in a house in the mountains of Ávila (Hoyo del Espino) . Alignment rather exotic posh children in real life are social amoeba, hardly any studies and his duties are reduced to walk their cars for holidays, burn cards for your daddy and sleep.
After Course 63, Nini Generation, The Jewels of the corora or Barrio Princesses by so we face a species unknown in TV, the spoiled children of Spain. And the truth, at first glance appear to Habemus HIT TELEVISION. A boat soon see from our homes to young people unable to do anything strikes me as the perfect plan on Friday, my favorite day to vegetate. From here I recommend the rapid viewing and I invite you to reread this. Undoubtedly we face a television mine. I suggest one thing, see this sociological experiment together and enjoy every second of discussing the reactions of these things spoiled, Let's treat them like beasts of National Geographic, observe him and share together their outbursts, their future judgments, the interferences that come from their mouths ... Lovers of reality shows, we are in front of a programón. I leave you with my summary. Things
incredible first episode. My observations of the most pampered animals in the country:
-A Luján Argüelles, the presenter, I feel very well the field. After skillfully lead our beloved "Farmer Wants a Wife" Luján faces with equal ease and savvy to these beasts consensual.
"The casting is a huge success. 5 girls are vague and consensual, 1 guy who only thinks of women entering a classic preppy Madrid fan Real Madrid and 18 years stridently Ladyboy gay.
They, my heroes ...
Christian: lives alone with his grandmother in Mallorca abandoned by his wealthy parents to consent to everything in the distance. He boasts of spending an afternoon shopping in € 15,000 € 30,000 even if you buy a bag. It seems a queer Vietnamese lesser evil of those who see in movies and reports of prostitution on TV.
At 20 hours of entering the house and had an anxiety attack. Promises a lot, hopefully not leave the hard life of camp and stay until the end. Its conversion into a person who values \u200b\u200bthings for the program I like to see as much as Madrid sweeping the Barça in the Cup or attending Primavera Sound , enough said. It is a Martian and recognizes useless, what is very clear is that television is a bonanza. Away from his driver and everyday purchases is likely to cause a short circuit in your brain irreparable pink. We will be attentive and expectant. For now, diehard fan of this balance.
Gemma. His parents have much money but she has a room that could easily be that of Iratxe or Paqui of "Princesas de Barrio" . Physically it is very extreme, like a luminous of Makinavaja even a character in John Waters , I declare myself a fan. Does what he wants, spends € 6000 per month in care to disguise the physical challenges the Greek canon and operated want to seem artificial, it has refined the cheeks, tits has been large for my taste and says their goal is to be operadísima as Yola Berrocal . Clearly has a huge mental disorder and are happy to be witnesses of his ravings, their sentences Mars and its very existence. Her father made a business of 400,000 euros and she sank in 6 months, further evidence that this is a TV talent simp.
Paula , classic preppy with a bit of sense that he is surprised because the guys in the house all the time to talk money, drivers and marks. Although symptoms are normal and have feelings is annulled by the laziness and huevonería. I did not know to do examinations and tests needed to pull out his driver's license.
Macarena is obsessed with the physical. It's pretty cute, probably watching their parents to be adopted, the father is missing a lot of money even if sprockets. His room is full of depressing and has closets stuffed animals wood with stickers, two things that depressed me a lot. Miss Úbeda was and since then only think of becoming a Barbie in his words. Eduardo
pijazo is the prototype of Madrid. He lives in the Plantío in a house with 5 floors with lift and views to the house of Cristiano Ronaldo and Raul . House exit worthy of Teen Cribs. For now contributes very little. We look forward to their movements. A Marc call him in his native Mallorca the Doctor Love, talk all the time its popularity as being in an American film institute, said that when look in the mirror can not help admiring her beauty. It is an absolute fool, I do not add anything but the ewes that releases for that big mouth justify their presence, please.
Jessica has a great body and departs daily. It is exotic and it is now high total. Cayetana is another story. They say is the daughter of a Marquis who looks like Kashogui . Has brothers Valladolid couturiers very gay and very cool that they are a picture and hopefully go further. For now Cayetana promises a lot because apart from having the most exotic family is having a posh meta far more developed and the standard preppy, on Friday said two things that need to share:
1. "I have a churruqui" (which I love and understand me is like what happened pump)
2. "And if I have to throw slices of chorizo \u200b\u200bas I do" (this directory did not understand)
The truth, seeing the lineup I think they should be thinking already "Children of Papa 2, the reality" and follow these coxcombs in real life. I get excited just thinking about it. See them as they interact with others of its kind, and squandered the wealth of their parents, and spend their money and hopes to entering the operating room improve their genetic incorrect, they treat people badly, endless conversations about brands as tacky Italian ... would be cool.
While I think of FOUR , to which I return to congratulate from this humble blog I recommend you enjoy this programazo. Enjoying its protagonists, or stiables by some and interesting species to watch for others like me. Please welcome celtibérica version of those programs where posh American MTV show their houses and have parties to demonstrate their popularity. At last the young posh English on television.
I can not wait to see the next episode, somebody leaked it.
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