incredible value now is when I woke up as my father or my mommy to go to the few escuela.Jajajaj scares !
Haha! do not pretend to wake them up so for any reason, the better soloists despiertanse jiji!
This little poem to sweeten these JIJI Replace active.
And had you in my arms curled What cocoon of love,
surprised.The warmth of the air perfumed salons of the kingdom where love reĆaMi joy of living.
was all so we could invade That all our songs.
life and our love as two crazy merged into a single spear fighting.
Matches our arms in the struggle conquered the desire coronamosNuestro scepter and cast into the embrace. Early light pierced the escenaY all became everyday.
saw my body lying next to your bed in normal noches.Te hugged our peace and happiness for this glorious waking dream in your arms again, like every morning.
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