Hello my dear friends of the soul finally uff jaja typing as chicken as I'm babysitting and Coorr drop even more fat, no more I have missed and reorganize myself up at ALL, is tiring, and I I feel so bad not being able to write as they say around jiji, dwell.
Among so many things we do more than any time we feel bad, listless and unmotivated in these last times I've fallen several times in these negative emotions and luckily I'M NOT SOLITA (GOOD FRIENDS) reeplanteo me what I'm doing right or wrong getting a good lesson for example, when the right mood softly, softly, cleans DEPRESSED, I think I have to get out of this and one solution is to SEARCH, something that makes me smile, to have hope, I find that for example in music, in songs that when you hear " make you happy "I rejoice in life.
Which is true? make an effort and think about that song that makes us happy, that, when you listen to the radio in the car, in the room, just begin to sound the first notes and comes a smile on our faces and our feet start tapping on the floor.
I have many ... ufff, a lot, but today I want to share with you the last of all, these days "I'm happy," I am happy life. "
is a song about hope, Illusion, New Opportunities, to find the positive in the negative ... haha \u200b\u200bI'm tapping feet, hehe.
Here is hoping that, at least today, at least at this point, we happy life and make them tap us, too.
By the way, what people are also happy life? Nothing else comes and see a smile on your face? Ummm ... well, anything they can think of these people while listening to the song. :)
A HUG of which, yes, also "happy" life
Here is the lyrics of the song and sings Conchita.
I may be mistaken again and again but this time it's true that everything is go well
sorry here in the chest and in your face also
And I think must be the same as yesterday but the setback, everything looks clearer, easier not to know ... things are sorting themselves unwittingly
And they say if one door closes another opens, I know ... bigger, prettier and easier ayer.Y this time I think that instead of a door is a very strong and solid ventanalmuy Sea View
And maybe I'm wrong else may vezy perderpero back to life today tells me that my turn to feel good
And now that sadness goes away and penalties as well, like saying goodbye queespero that we meet again
And it should be, I think just as yesterday, but upside down, everything looks clearer, easier, do not know ... things are sorting themselves unwittingly
And they say if one door closes opens another, I know ... bigger, prettier and easier than ayer.Y this time I think instead of a door is a very strong and solid ventanalmuy Sea View
And can unless I'm wrong else may vezy perderpero again today life tells me that my turn to feel good.
(Conchita - Can Be).
you soon my dear friends.
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