Very good morning my fellow earthly angels, here with a thousand emotions. Well here with an emotion with the sudden departure of a man, a man, a great artist Michael Jackson.
Somehow we all have something to say about Michael Jackson, in any way the fans were and still and will be many fans of the ... in particular I can say that within my life, step by step, no matter that I do not remember my childhood, my youth and adulthood.
I vibrated with his music, I love your music, you hear it and makes you move, you really will always be a global icon, so sorry.
As great artist, song , Dancer, really a complete artist, his life a mystery, her life full of light and dark ... but I will remember the best moments that give me their songs and dances.
Now part to be and the other stars shine ... I'm not a fanatic but I am a person that values \u200b\u200btalent.
you soon Michael Jackson.

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