Very good morning to have my earthly angels, here with a cold to me transferred but very warm my soul with love and friendship, so happy for all the wonders that I have lived. Completing this short week but increasingly intense motivating and something new under the sun or the fog, in order to roads that leads us to where we want to go.
One of many paths, path came we never stop to discover and be discovered jiji, I found something so noble a way to help maraviillosa, working, delivering a gift to enhance and bring out the best of our soul, giving a warmth, a smile to those in need ...

My dears
"Weaving with love "(organized by the Baptist School of Design)
At school my children are organizing an excellent work ... building about 30x30 square chased
I would like to share with you this sense of help to those who need us.
The purpose of this is necessary as many squares together to make them 80 blankets to give to a nursing home.
always we have some other wool kept waiting to be used
help me in this wonderful work, that many grandparents have a blanket for this winter?
Who wish to participate are welcome sticking this little note in their blogs and signing up my email
Only this time may be friends in Chile, as the deadline for the submission is 30 June ...
Remember, only 2 square 30x30
as I gather I'll see later.
Among the friends who register, and of course, the tissues will receive a small surprise draw ...
My only reason is to help our grandparents ....
With Love ....
Well my earthly angels I leave this pretty little opportunity and invitation.
When we try to discover the best in others, we discover the best of ourselves. A. Ward.
The love you!
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