Hello my dear earthly angels here giving jiji pecking at the keyboard but as always with this finger plump with joy, affection and love to pure emotion of pure feeling and not a pure fabric and some embroidery.
First and I have almost finished the bolero vest jiji I think, as you were leaving cobwebs jiji, these days I hope to finish the details that I hope will tell them later than jiji months.
Complete the first box to the grandparents, but it is incredible that work gave me hehe ... is truly something as simple little girls gave me a job because I am not very skilled to say something with chopsticks jiji, but just do jiji merits, not I could embroider much hope these days can do something.
In order to so much to do with all that involves daily living, is another week to be thankful for, thank God for all He has given us, SO THAT WE ARE, SO THAT SURROUNDS, FOR EVERYTHING.
This time I want to make this gift for the expectant mothers soul or the soul and now Little Mothers especially for a little person who crossed a very entertaining dialogue, very sweet, was shortie but very important for you VALENTINA, that maybe this week is a very important week ...
vibrates in your belly, body and soul, like a flower that emanates from a garden, a new being, to break the calm, of two that loved without boundary.
is like a bright star illuminating the life and destiny, breaststroke heat crackling their parents, making their way.
truck Each new creature lives, of those who lovingly forged, be the new wick on,
If labor is in pain! Who cares? they wanted God in their mandates, pain that your future calls, to give life a new ornament.
I'll grow up, dusted off, proud live every summer, and he will tell you without blushing, "YOUR PAIN WAS NOT LABOR IN VAIN."
love to all of you, I love a lot.
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